
Category Archives

Reproduction toxic drugs

6 May 2013

In April 2013, the Dutch Health Council has published an advise to classify theophylline, prescribed for asthma and other respiratory diseases, and anti-inflammatories triamcinolone and triamcinolone acetonide as “presumed harmful to the unborn child (reproduction toxic category 1B) in occupational exposure. Wether these substances also have adverse effects on fertility remains unsure because the current state of knowledge is inadequate.

Occupational exposure to these substances particularly occurs in pharmacies and pharmaceutical industry.

Occupational hygienists in construction projects; a success story

6 May 2013

Preventative workplace health management in construction projects can lead to time and money savings together with health benefits.

By involving occupational hygienists in construction projects, time and money can be saved. That is the conclusion from a study performed by the Institute for Employment Studies (IES), which was executed during the construction of the Olympic Park in London. With preventative workplace health management, occupational hygienists were involved in the design phase of the project to enlarge the focus on workers health. Continue reading

Asbestos standards reduced firmly

14 Feb 2013

While the use of asbestos was banned in 1993, exposure (both environmental and occupational) to it still occurs due to renovation of buildings, repairing of ships, soil decontamination, and the presence of asbestos in the environment.
The most common health effects of exposure to asbestos are pleural and peritoneal cancer (mesothelioma) and lung cancer. Recently, the Dutch Health Council (GR) reassessed the studies aimed at the relation between asbestos exposure and cancer (see
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Caesar Consult Newsletter 2012-2

8 Feb 2013


Nederland kiest! En nog meer dan de bij eerdere verkiezingen is een verenigd Europa één van de belangrijke thema’s. Waar sommige partijen het EU-lidmaatschap nog als facultatief beschouwen, geldt in de praktijk echter datverkiezing veel beleid al jaren (sterk) wordt beinvloed door Brussel. Dit geldt in toenemende mate ook voor de risicobeoordeling van gevaarlijke stoffen. Binnen de zogenoemde REACH wetgeving zijn gelijke spelregels ontwikkeld voor alle Europese bedrijven die met gevaarlijke stoffen werken. Een ander voorbeeld is het Europese onderzoekscentrum naar kanker (IARC), dat al jaren grote invloed heeft op het beoordelen van de kankerverwekkendheid van stoffen.

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