Publication: Including exposure variability in the life cycle impact assessment of indoor chemical emissions: The case of metal degreasing. Environ Int. 2014 Oct;71:36-45.
Author Archives: CaesarConsult
Uncertainty analysis
6 Aug 2014more information will follow soon
PBPK modeling
6 Aug 2014more information will follow soon
Uncertainty and variability in exposure reconstruction of chemical incidents
5 Aug 2014Publication: Uncertainty and variability in the exposure reconstruction of chemical incidents – the case of acrylonitrile. Toxicol Lett. 2014 Jul 19.
Coherence between occupational exposure limits
5 Aug 2014Publication: Testing the coherence between occupational exposure limits for inhalation and their biological limit values with a generalized PBPK-model: The case of 2-propanol and acetone. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol. 2014 Aug;69(3):408-15
Reproduction toxic drugs
6 May 2013In April 2013, the Dutch Health Council has published an advise to classify theophylline, prescribed for asthma and other respiratory diseases, and anti-inflammatories triamcinolone and triamcinolone acetonide as “presumed harmful to the unborn child (reproduction toxic category 1B) in occupational exposure. Wether these substances also have adverse effects on fertility remains unsure because the current state of knowledge is inadequate.
Occupational exposure to these substances particularly occurs in pharmacies and pharmaceutical industry.
Dutch Health Council proposes exposure limits for arsenic
6 May 2013In an article published in December 2012, the Dutch Health Council describes and underpins levels of air concentrations arsenic and inorganic arsenic compounds associated with an additional risk of death from cancer of 4 per 1.000 (28 µg arsenic/m3) and 4 per 100.000 (0,28 µg arsenic/m3) by occupational exposure.
Occupational hygienists in construction projects; a success story
6 May 2013Preventative workplace health management in construction projects can lead to time and money savings together with health benefits.
By involving occupational hygienists in construction projects, time and money can be saved. That is the conclusion from a study performed by the Institute for Employment Studies (IES), which was executed during the construction of the Olympic Park in London. With preventative workplace health management, occupational hygienists were involved in the design phase of the project to enlarge the focus on workers health. Continue reading
Publication dermal exposure study
6 May 2013In januari 2013, the Annals of Occupational Hygiene published a paper about Institute of Occupational Medicines Dermal Transfer Project. Stan de Poot from Caesar Consult contributed to this experimental study, which was aimed at investigating the effect of dustiness en viscosity on dermal exposure.
Deriving Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs)
10 Apr 2013For several years, the role of deriving Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs) has been moving more and more from government to industry. This is leading to an increased responsibility for companies working with hazardous substances, as the number of chemicals rather increases than decreases.
Caesar Consult assists companies and other organizations in the derivation and evaluation of exposure limits for dangerous substances and mixtures. These limits can be both air and biological values. We also take a critical look at work of third parties regularly.